How is Sexy different from Beautiful?

You're sexy! You're beautiful! 

I'm sure you've been told one amongst this or both in your life.

Beautiful incorporates a broad definition.

Sexy comes from the word sex.

If I tell you you're sexy, I mean a different thing from beautiful.

In sexy, I'm projecting more about your beautiful sexual nature while saying you're beautiful. It's broader. Quite just sex.

For women, the sexy ones get more attention than the attractive ones. It's like enhanced prettiness.

This leaves beautiful, lost, and feeling less pretty.

Beauty is within the eyes of the beholder so that they say.

"Beautiful" means stuffed with beauty. To mention someone who is gorgeous is to go with her entire physique in a very simple but charming way.

Beautiful will be very innocent and even non-romantic.

Beautiful people may not be gentle or cute, and that they might not be actively showcasing their sexual appeal, but they're good-looking and pleasing.

Beautiful people may need the tendency to form your smile thanks to their stunning appearance and wonderful gestures. If an individual says a girl is gorgeous, they suggest she looks great and trendy.

You and I should learn to understand ourselves. This ends up in self-confidence, which eventually projects a form of beauty.

"Sexy" literally means sexually appealing. It is a quite direct way of claiming that you find someone to be sexually stimulating. It lacks any innocence or deeper connection and flatly reveals that you could be curious about having sex in addition to that person.

"Sexy" is more of an expression of lust. The warmth felt by the perceiver while staring at that person.

The adjective beautiful is generally used to describe women, but the word sexy is employed for males and females. In men, handsome replaces beautiful.

Beautiful, which features a broader meaning than sexy, is perceived as flattering if it refers not merely to physical appearance but also incorporates a broader meaning, showing a sort of beauty on the inside.

Telling a lady she is sexy often refers to brief interactions; she is that woman you would like to spend the night with.

Beautiful is broader and may show a more serious attitude; she is that the woman you'll spend longer time with.

Sexy is simply within the moment feeling. The warmth that your body feels at her present presence.

Beautiful is an appreciation of a lady deeply and not the outer perception that fades away in a very glimpse.

It stays and lasts longer than 'hot.'

The sexy appeal fades faster the instant the 'heat' subsides.

Sexy is usually not met or related to appreciation and might be taken as an insult sometimes.

The compliment sexy usually denotes a woman's physically attractive physique and has nothing to do with someone's personality, intellectual abilities, or virtues.


Beautiful is skin-deep, whereas sexy is on the surface.

A sexy person will receive more attention than an exquisite one.

Beauty is deeper than sex (or lust).

Beauty lasts longer than sexy.

Beauty is enriched and grows with time. Sexy is stimulating and will peter out with time.

You can be both beautiful and sexy.


  1. I have one child who is exceptionally beautiful. He is grown. He always gets the attention anywhere we go and I do see one of his siblings getting jealous. Not in a mean way. Everything has its challenges, for sure.

  2. All about perceptions I guess. I personally prefer a beautiful person on the inside and out.

  3. Sexy as a compliment is pretty superficial, while saying someone is beautiful means you've taken into consideration their character, and not just their looks.

  4. They're all very interesting points... I have been called both at different points by different people. How I was dressed, behaved and how I felt definitely affected the energy I was putting out.

  5. I think sexy comes from self confidence and really doesn't have a lot to do with outer appearance.

  6. The difference is that while beautiful and sexy both suggest a sense of appeal, the word sex specifically remains within the framework of sexual attractiveness whereas beautiful adopts a broader definition

  7. You grabbed the words right out of my mouth with this statement, "For women, the sexy ones get more attention than the attractive one. It's like enhanced prettiness."

  8. I agree with you, these two words are significantly different from each other. A beautiful person has the beauty inside and out.


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